Saturday, July 3, 2010

{Bexley, with love}

My dear friend, Kathy, was so kind to give me her families vintage patio furniture when her mothers house went for sale this past January.  The 32 pieces she gave me needed some serious TLC, but I was up for the challenge!  John and I (8 months pregnant!) traveled to Bexley in the snow to load up all the pieces on our trailer and oh how I was in love!  They have been in her family for years and I felt so honored to have them.  She did not want to sell them in the Estate sale or want any money for them so I felt I had to do her right when refinishing them.  I have completed a few of the pieces and the rest are being worked on here and there! Several hours of power washing, grinding and some welding we will have a complete finished product soon! Today, is a sneak peak at what we have done so far! I am love with the character of the pieces!  I absolutely love the white marble table top!

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